Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Leavers Assembly
Wow! today blew me away with our practice of kapa haka, Eligha was so loud and so was everybody else. I was in the front row with Keightleigh, Cole, Caleb, Eligha, Jake and Tarran for the boys. For our leavers assembly we did our haka then we did a song. After that we all go up to the hall and sing the hall of fame. I think we need a little bit practice for singing the hall of fame but other than that were great. I cant wait until friday for the item.
Word Activity
My Mum is
the sun that gives us vitamin D and keeps us joyful and happy.
My Dad is
the thunder storm if you don't do your chores he will growl you.
My sister is the rainy storm if you don’t let her play with her Barbies she will cry.
My brother
is the earthquake that always brakes things.
I am the
tornado that makes the family whirl.
Our family
is the weather that always sticks together.
Sunday, 9 December 2012
Road Patrol Movie
Wow! The movie for the road patrol people was great. It was called Madagasga 3. It was so cool there was so much action and adventure. We got an ice cream each. It was pretty ice solid, I was stuck sitting around in between two girls from St Marcelin, it was awful. I ate my ice cream before the movie even started. I got brain freeze really bad. Marty, Gloria, Melmon and Alex had to pretend they were circus acts because they needed to get away from Du Bwa the evil exterminator. After the movie all I could here was thumping because their was 252 people at the movies. They were running and bowling people over it was like a bunch of rhinos tumbling people over.
Todays Challege
Today Mrs Larsen gave us a challege to find what a semi colon is used for. You use a colon when you are about to make a list in the middle of writing or you can use it as a list of items or an explantion. Semicolon's are used to show a major division in a sentence where a seperation is needed between clauses or items. A semi colon is a dot with a comma. A colon is two dots
I ate my cookie; it was yummy.
My shopping list: dog roll, cookies, chips potatoes and meat with brocolli.
I ate my cookie; it was yummy.
My shopping list: dog roll, cookies, chips potatoes and meat with brocolli.
Thursday, 6 December 2012
Wk 8 Reflection
What: On Tuesday we had social dancing straight after fitness. The teachers, Mr Stuart and Mrs Stuart taught us two new dances. On Wednesday the road patrol people got to go to the movies and see Madagascar 3, it was awesome. We got a ice cream each, the ice cream was ice solid. On Thursday we had the year 6 Kapa Haka practice, we also started shaping our CO2 car.
So what: This week I learnt how to do the cha cha cha in social dancing pretty fast. I know the actions better in Kapa Haka.
Now what: I want to learn how to do the cha cha as good as they do on TV.
So what: This week I learnt how to do the cha cha cha in social dancing pretty fast. I know the actions better in Kapa Haka.
Now what: I want to learn how to do the cha cha as good as they do on TV.
Camp Day 4
When aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I said when I woke from my slumber sleep,we got up we had to get gear ready and pack our gear onto the bus. As I was getting onto the bus I thought to myself "Mmmmmmm! Today at the prawn farm I'm hopefully going to catch a prawn at the prawn fishing area today"
We went to the Prawn Farm to fish for prawns and a tour guy showed us around, where they put the differant prawn pools. Some of the prawns were 3 quarters the size of my arm. Yay! I said to myself as we were going to get our gear for prawn fishing because I have cought quite alot of prawn at the prawn farm a few years. We had to use a bamboo stick, good, tight string and a hook with a cup of prawn food. As we were starting to throw our hooks out Cole had already put his in and Bam! He had cought a prawn that was about half of the size my arm. About two minutes later I got a bite and Ka Pow! he took my food got of the hook, I was so disappointed. After about 25 minutes of fishing it was time to put our gear away and head to Turangi.
At Turangi we went to a trout center that have thousands of trout in there pools and ponds. Their was a guy that told us how trout breed, eat, and how many they breed. It was amazing how much trout they have. We got to feed the trout and where ever you put the food they all come rushing to you. After that we started to head back to Wanganui. On the way we stoped off at Ruakawa Falls to have lunch. Ruakawa Falls was way differant to Huka Fall because Huka falls is much bigger. Then we just started to head home after that. The ride back was so fun because me and Cole were just talking and making up jokes.
We went to the Prawn Farm to fish for prawns and a tour guy showed us around, where they put the differant prawn pools. Some of the prawns were 3 quarters the size of my arm. Yay! I said to myself as we were going to get our gear for prawn fishing because I have cought quite alot of prawn at the prawn farm a few years. We had to use a bamboo stick, good, tight string and a hook with a cup of prawn food. As we were starting to throw our hooks out Cole had already put his in and Bam! He had cought a prawn that was about half of the size my arm. About two minutes later I got a bite and Ka Pow! he took my food got of the hook, I was so disappointed. After about 25 minutes of fishing it was time to put our gear away and head to Turangi.
At Turangi we went to a trout center that have thousands of trout in there pools and ponds. Their was a guy that told us how trout breed, eat, and how many they breed. It was amazing how much trout they have. We got to feed the trout and where ever you put the food they all come rushing to you. After that we started to head back to Wanganui. On the way we stoped off at Ruakawa Falls to have lunch. Ruakawa Falls was way differant to Huka Fall because Huka falls is much bigger. Then we just started to head home after that. The ride back was so fun because me and Cole were just talking and making up jokes.
Camp Day 3
"Holley moley! we have a big day ahead of us", I said to myself as I got in the bus and was ready to got to the Redwood Forest. When we got to the Redwood forest I was quite amazed on how big the stumps their were on the Redwood trees. It took us about 6 people to get around a whole normal sized tree stump.When we looking at the ginormas tree stumps we got in our groups and started a scavenger hunt. We had to find out the anwsers to some of the questions and keep our eyes pealed for any clues or anwsers. Their was green arows that we followed until we come back to where we started, as I was walking through the path way their was a stick on ground, I went to go get it but I stepped on it and Ka Pow! it flung me right in the face, heaps of people were laughing but I was't. When we got back we were finished but we went to mark it and we got one wrong, O well I said. It was such a great experience.
"Woo Hooo! we are leaving for Taupo now" I said. The trip to Taupo was unberible because it was so hot and stuffy but luckily Malcom our bus driver opened the roof window that cooled us right down. Oh Yeah! I said to myself because we were going to the Lava Glass studios. As soon as I walked in I could just tell it was gonna be hot because you could see little ovel shaped thing with heat that reached up to 1200 degrees, thats how they make the lava glass and they shape it by useing a metal stick. Their was a lady that told us how they make it and where they get the type of metal from. It was very interesting.
Our next destination was Huka Falls, I was curreis to see what it looked like. When we arrived all I could hear was the rushing sound of the water clashing against the sides. We had lunch there. Then all of a sudden about 44 tourist just came rushing it was funny because they wanted to have pictures with us. Then we left to our next destionation was the honey hive.
Wow! the honey I was really looking forward to this place because I want to learn more about bees and how they make honey. When we got there, their was a guy who showed us around his name was Matt. He told us what differant bees their are and how they attack and defend. Then we got to go off and go in our groups to watch a video and go on the computer to learn about what they would do in a situaion of getting attacked.
Then we went to the Volcanic Activity Center. Their was a lady that showed us around and there was a earthquake simulator. It went up 6.2. We did a little quiz about 12 questions. The entrance was a plastic volcano. I learnt quite alot about volcanos and earthquakes.
Wooo Hooo! Yeah! we are going to our new camp now. At our new camp we were in groups of two and sleeping in groups of two. I was sleeping with Jake, Pretty much until 10.30 we were laughing because it was so hard to sleep. That night we had board games it was so awesome! I played uno and connect four pretty much the whole time.
"Woo Hooo! we are leaving for Taupo now" I said. The trip to Taupo was unberible because it was so hot and stuffy but luckily Malcom our bus driver opened the roof window that cooled us right down. Oh Yeah! I said to myself because we were going to the Lava Glass studios. As soon as I walked in I could just tell it was gonna be hot because you could see little ovel shaped thing with heat that reached up to 1200 degrees, thats how they make the lava glass and they shape it by useing a metal stick. Their was a lady that told us how they make it and where they get the type of metal from. It was very interesting.
Our next destination was Huka Falls, I was curreis to see what it looked like. When we arrived all I could hear was the rushing sound of the water clashing against the sides. We had lunch there. Then all of a sudden about 44 tourist just came rushing it was funny because they wanted to have pictures with us. Then we left to our next destionation was the honey hive.
Wow! the honey I was really looking forward to this place because I want to learn more about bees and how they make honey. When we got there, their was a guy who showed us around his name was Matt. He told us what differant bees their are and how they attack and defend. Then we got to go off and go in our groups to watch a video and go on the computer to learn about what they would do in a situaion of getting attacked.
Then we went to the Volcanic Activity Center. Their was a lady that showed us around and there was a earthquake simulator. It went up 6.2. We did a little quiz about 12 questions. The entrance was a plastic volcano. I learnt quite alot about volcanos and earthquakes.
Wooo Hooo! Yeah! we are going to our new camp now. At our new camp we were in groups of two and sleeping in groups of two. I was sleeping with Jake, Pretty much until 10.30 we were laughing because it was so hard to sleep. That night we had board games it was so awesome! I played uno and connect four pretty much the whole time.
Camp Day 2
To Start the morning we went to Kauai park were the mud pools are and it smells like 1,000,000 monkeys that had eggs for breakfast and did a ginormas fart. The mud pools were bubbly and hot you could see the sofa and steam coming off the mud pools. After that we got to put our feet in a weird smeeling, warm pool. The pool was't hot at all it just smelt like rotten eggs but it felt like my feet were getting massaged. We got to play on the playground for about 5 minutes. Then we left to the gondolla and the luge.
Oh Yeah! I had just realised that we are going on the gondolla and the luge. I could not wait to go on the luge because my mum told me about it and from what has said it sounds pretty good. When there it was a long wait just get on the gondolla, Oh! and even get me started about the wait to go on the luge. Oh well it was all worth because we got two rides on the luge, one on the beginner track and then any track we want. On the gondolla ride almost everyone was freaked out to go on it because it was high above the ground but I was't. When we finished rides on the luge we went back up in a chair lift and at one point it stoped for about 25 seconds. We went down the gondolla once more and got back in the bus and went to our next destination, Paradise valley.
"Wooooo Hooooooooooo! Our next stop is at paradise valley" I said to my self in my head. When we got their we had lunch. At Paradise valley we got to pat 11 month old girl lions. They were asleep but still nice and cuddly. It was a hot day for us so imagion how it would be for the lions with all that fur on. Next we went to the older lions, their was about 6 lions, one of them was called Max, he was pretty much the boss lion, he's been alive for 18 years. During that time a lady started talking to us about how much meat they get each day and how long they live for, stuff like that. When the lady was feeding the lions Max kept steeling the other lions food by growling at them. Then we went back out the front and Mrs Larsen said if you guys be quiet I will get you treat, the treat was a cold ice block. The ice block cooled me right down because sitting under the heat was unbereble. So then we headed off to the pools.
Yes! I said to myself as I heard Mrs Larsen say, "we are going to the Rotorua Aquatic center now". I was realived I throught we were going back to the camp. It was so hot I just quickly got dressed and just bombed into the pool. It was so cold. Their was sprinklers outside that spring up when your looking it was so fun. Then we went back on the bus and went back to camp after we got dressed.
When we got back we played bulrush, the ground was prickley and soar. Then we had tea and dessert. About 10 minutes later we watched a movie. The movie was The Muppets, It was weird because their was alot of singing in it. It was a crack up movie thow, I liked it.
Oh Yeah! I had just realised that we are going on the gondolla and the luge. I could not wait to go on the luge because my mum told me about it and from what has said it sounds pretty good. When there it was a long wait just get on the gondolla, Oh! and even get me started about the wait to go on the luge. Oh well it was all worth because we got two rides on the luge, one on the beginner track and then any track we want. On the gondolla ride almost everyone was freaked out to go on it because it was high above the ground but I was't. When we finished rides on the luge we went back up in a chair lift and at one point it stoped for about 25 seconds. We went down the gondolla once more and got back in the bus and went to our next destination, Paradise valley.
"Wooooo Hooooooooooo! Our next stop is at paradise valley" I said to my self in my head. When we got their we had lunch. At Paradise valley we got to pat 11 month old girl lions. They were asleep but still nice and cuddly. It was a hot day for us so imagion how it would be for the lions with all that fur on. Next we went to the older lions, their was about 6 lions, one of them was called Max, he was pretty much the boss lion, he's been alive for 18 years. During that time a lady started talking to us about how much meat they get each day and how long they live for, stuff like that. When the lady was feeding the lions Max kept steeling the other lions food by growling at them. Then we went back out the front and Mrs Larsen said if you guys be quiet I will get you treat, the treat was a cold ice block. The ice block cooled me right down because sitting under the heat was unbereble. So then we headed off to the pools.
Yes! I said to myself as I heard Mrs Larsen say, "we are going to the Rotorua Aquatic center now". I was realived I throught we were going back to the camp. It was so hot I just quickly got dressed and just bombed into the pool. It was so cold. Their was sprinklers outside that spring up when your looking it was so fun. Then we went back on the bus and went back to camp after we got dressed.
When we got back we played bulrush, the ground was prickley and soar. Then we had tea and dessert. About 10 minutes later we watched a movie. The movie was The Muppets, It was weird because their was alot of singing in it. It was a crack up movie thow, I liked it.
Sunday, 25 November 2012
Camp Day1
Yeah! I was super pumped and excited to go on camp because I had been getting my equipment and clothes ready for this camp for days. On Tuesday we came to school and made sure we had everything we needed for this 4 day camp at Rotorua and Taupo. "Oh man" I said in my head when I got onto the bus, I thought that I was going to feel sick on the way to Rotorua. It was't that bad because when got to Raetihi I didn't feel sick at all.
At Raetihi we had morning tea and had a little 15 minute play on the playground. On the playground there was a big circle metal pole up in the air, when I went on it, it swung me around like a strong baboon swinging you around in the air, it was exhilerating! Before we went back into the bus we had a toilet stop. Then we got back on the bus and headed for Taupo to have lunch, I felt full as ever because I had a big chocolate cookie that filled me right up.
Oh yeah! I said to myself when we got to Taupo because I had a chuncky cookie and a Power Aid to devour for lunch. Taupo's playground was way better than the Raetihi's playground it had everything. I went on a giant round swing it went up and down getting to the point that you would fall off the back and puke up. When I was pushing people on it one person fell off because they went so high. Then we left to head for Rotorua.
When we arrived at Rotorua It was time to go on the duck tour. When I saw that big, yellow, boat type thing I knew it was going to go on the water. The duck tour guide showed us around Rotorua I was quite surprised about how much interesting stuff they have in Rotorua, Such as mud pools and a island in the middle of lake Rotorua.
I was so excited that we were heading for our camp next because I was curious to find out what our camp looked like. My cabin was pretty cool it had bunks and our parent was Tanya, Caleb's mum so she was sleeping in our room. We packed our stuff in our room and got our bed ready. Some people got to sleep in twos in the Villa that would have been cool if I got to go in the the villa. When we got back it was time to have tea and my group was on setting out the table.For tea we had meat, potatoes and vegetables.After that Mrs Larsen showed us a movie called School of Rock. The movie was great, and Jack Black was starring in it, it was crack up because he kept doing these weird noise's.
At Raetihi we had morning tea and had a little 15 minute play on the playground. On the playground there was a big circle metal pole up in the air, when I went on it, it swung me around like a strong baboon swinging you around in the air, it was exhilerating! Before we went back into the bus we had a toilet stop. Then we got back on the bus and headed for Taupo to have lunch, I felt full as ever because I had a big chocolate cookie that filled me right up.
Oh yeah! I said to myself when we got to Taupo because I had a chuncky cookie and a Power Aid to devour for lunch. Taupo's playground was way better than the Raetihi's playground it had everything. I went on a giant round swing it went up and down getting to the point that you would fall off the back and puke up. When I was pushing people on it one person fell off because they went so high. Then we left to head for Rotorua.
When we arrived at Rotorua It was time to go on the duck tour. When I saw that big, yellow, boat type thing I knew it was going to go on the water. The duck tour guide showed us around Rotorua I was quite surprised about how much interesting stuff they have in Rotorua, Such as mud pools and a island in the middle of lake Rotorua.
I was so excited that we were heading for our camp next because I was curious to find out what our camp looked like. My cabin was pretty cool it had bunks and our parent was Tanya, Caleb's mum so she was sleeping in our room. We packed our stuff in our room and got our bed ready. Some people got to sleep in twos in the Villa that would have been cool if I got to go in the the villa. When we got back it was time to have tea and my group was on setting out the table.For tea we had meat, potatoes and vegetables.After that Mrs Larsen showed us a movie called School of Rock. The movie was great, and Jack Black was starring in it, it was crack up because he kept doing these weird noise's.
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Weekly Reflection WK5
What: On Monday we had Mrs Calman for the day, in the afternoon we had an ikan test. On Tuesday it was athletics from 9.15 to 12.30. Their was six activities, high jump, long jump, sprints, long distance, vortex, and shot put. I placed in 4 of them 2nd in sprints, 1st in high jump, 5th in long jump and 5th in vortex. Yesterday we practiced for the house relays. Today we had another practice ikan test. Our habits of mind is finding humour, for that we handed in our best jokes.
So What: I learnt that you need to scissor kick and jump at the right time to get over the bar in high jump.
Now What: My goal is to get all my ikan questions right.
So What: I learnt that you need to scissor kick and jump at the right time to get over the bar in high jump.
Now What: My goal is to get all my ikan questions right.
My Awesome Ride to School
Yeah! I had a great ride to school and yummy one to. I woke up at 7.30 in the morning ready to got to school, I had my 10 dollars for lunch and I had just had my breakfast and felt great. For breakfast I had weetbix. I was gonna ride on my bike but I just realised that my bike was stolen. So I decided to ride on my scooter. I was riding with my neighbors, they go to WIS so when we got about three quarters of the way we split up. I went off and bought my lunch. I got a cookie, drink and a chocolate slice. It was yum at lunch time. When I got to school I was early so I got to play around the back for half an hour.
Athletics Day
On Tuesday it was athletics. We had 6 activities, long distance, sprints, vortex, high jump, long jump and shot put. I placed 2nd in sprints, 1st in high jump, 5th in vortex and 5th in long jump. I was proud of myself that I got a place in 4 activities. I was so sweaty after athletics, all I wanted to do is lie on my bed at home. It felt like my legs were going to fall off. Mrs Larsen made video of athletics.
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Our Item
Friday Week 4 - I am so nervous for today's item, I am one of the main characters, I'm playing Tic, one of the pigs from the three little pigs, we have been practicing all week for this play. Its called the two pigs a wolf and a mud pie. I am so nervous. The play goes through four scenes. I have a speaking part in every scene but I'm the narrator so I am not an actor. In one part of the item heaps of people get up and dance to I got a feeling. I can't wait.
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Room 15's Assembly Item
Wow! Our item on Friday was great. I pretty much knew my lines and everybody used good expression. Our item was about the two little pigs, a wolf and a mud pie. I was the third little pig, Tic and I was one of the narrators. I got to wear a pink t-shirt and a pig mask. I had a lot of lines to learn but luckily I remembered them on the actual day other wise I would have been the downfall to the item and mucked the whole thing up. I was so nervous. There was one part in the play where some people would come out and start doing a dance on stage, I got to be in that, It was fun. I think the play was successful. I felt proud that I had remembered all my words.
Thursday, 8 November 2012
Wordle Contract
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Weekly Reflection
What: On Monday we had bike safety with Constable Val. She told us what we need to have for our bike to be legal and what you need to do. I didn't have my bike because it was stolen. The people that had there bike got to do a course. On Wednesday we had badminton. I didn't have my one dollar and I hurt my leg on my scooter, I went to do a tail whip and my scooter come around and whacked my leg, Instead I went to Room 2 with Mitchell to finish work. On Thursday we went swimming. It was so funny because me, Tarron and Isaiah were in our undies. Our Habits of Mind is Taking Responsible Risks for that we talked about what are responsible risks and what are irresponsible risks.
So what: I learnt that whacking your leg on a scooter really hurts. I learnt what you need to have for your bike for it to be safe to ride. I``` learnt what taking a responsible risk means.
Now what: My goal is to finish my work on time.
So what: I learnt that whacking your leg on a scooter really hurts. I learnt what you need to have for your bike for it to be safe to ride. I``` learnt what taking a responsible risk means.
Now what: My goal is to finish my work on time.
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Bear Grylls
Our Habits of mind is taking responsible risks. We are looking at responsible risk takers.

I think Bear Grylls is a risk taker because every week he shows people how to survive in such bad conditions. The risks he takes are responsible because he teaches people how survive in bad conditions and that can save people's lives most of the time. He would get a lot of respect because he is such a good role model for travellers and hikers.

My New Scooter
Yeah I can't wait until I get my MGP pro because it's my birthday on Saturday. I know what it looks like because I saw it at the bike shed. It is white with black wheels and black clamps. It cost $180 dollars. I was actually meant to get a $350 scooter but my mum said it was to expensive. On MGP's the wheel's are so smooth. I can go to the bowl with my brother and his friends when I get my scooter. I can't wait!
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Week 2 Reflection
What: On Wednesday we went to badminton, it cost 1 dollar each a session. At badminton we had to start of with our stretch's so we didn't pull a muscle or hurt ourselves. On Thursday we started our calender art plan in our art book. Then later we went on to the field and played a rippa rugby game with the rippa rugby instructor. Today we made our good copy for our calender art. Our habit's of mind is taking responsible risk's.
So What: I learnt what responsible and irresponsible risk's are. At badminton I learnt to hit the shuttle lightly rather than to whack it hard.
Now What: I want to learn to pass the ball more to the people that never really get the ball in rippa.
So What: I learnt what responsible and irresponsible risk's are. At badminton I learnt to hit the shuttle lightly rather than to whack it hard.
Now What: I want to learn to pass the ball more to the people that never really get the ball in rippa.
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
My Awesome Ride in the Ministock
"Wow! That was so fun" I said. I had just been learning how to drive a ministock because I have my own ministock that I will be driving at the speedway next year. It has the number 68v and is blue with a plastic super charger on the bonnet. The ministock has four gears but when your racing you are only allowed up to second gear. In a ministock race you are not allowed to crash. To race you need a license, to get a license you need to go through a open book test. My ministock stinks like a rotten revolting rag, it sound's like a hot rod just getting ready to race. I can not wait until I race next year because I pretty much know all the gears and clutch on the ministock.
Application Reading Activity
Write a letter to your new friend the high bar apologizing for behaving so badly in the past and explaining why you behaved that way.
Dear High Bar,
I am so sorry about my poor behaviour. I should not have been so scared of you. The only reason I was scared of you is because I had a bad and embarrassing experience with you. I was afraid I might get hurt. So sorry. I hope now we can be friends.
From Keylen
Write a letter to your new friend the high bar apologizing for behaving so badly in the past and explaining why you behaved that way.
Dear High Bar,
I am so sorry about my poor behaviour. I should not have been so scared of you. The only reason I was scared of you is because I had a bad and embarrassing experience with you. I was afraid I might get hurt. So sorry. I hope now we can be friends.
From Keylen
Evaluation Reading Activity
Seeing both sides Make a chart and list your reasons for agreeing and disagreeing with this statement. “Gymnastics is too dangerous for little children”
I disagree with this statement because if the young children start off with the easy skills they can work their way up to harder skills.
I agree with this statement because children could slip and hurt themselves. That’s why they would have to be extremely careful.
Seeing both sides Make a chart and list your reasons for agreeing and disagreeing with this statement. “Gymnastics is too dangerous for little children”
I disagree with this statement because if the young children start off with the easy skills they can work their way up to harder skills.
I agree with this statement because children could slip and hurt themselves. That’s why they would have to be extremely careful.
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Week 1 Reflection
What: On Monday we started a new type of maths it's called geometry. For geometry we got to choose something to draw with shapes on Word. I did a car. On Wednesday we did a seaweed picture for the background of our fish we created last term. First we got three colours dark blue. green and light blue. Dark blue went at the bottom of the piece of paper then green in the middle and light blue up the top. We blended the colours together. Then we ripped paper out of news paper and made them into seaweed. Then we dyed it. On Thursday we had a rippa rugby instructor to come to our school and teach us some rippa rugby skills. Our habit of mind is taking responsible risk's.
So What: I learnt that you need to keep your head up and your eyes open in rippa to find space. I learnt a lot of different 3D shapes.
Now What: I want to learn more 3D shapes next week. I want to learn more skills in rippa rugby.
So What: I learnt that you need to keep your head up and your eyes open in rippa to find space. I learnt a lot of different 3D shapes.
Now What: I want to learn more 3D shapes next week. I want to learn more skills in rippa rugby.
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
This term for maths we are learning about geometry. We have been learning about 3D shapes. We went on word and made anything we wanted out of shapes. I have learn't quite a lot of shapes over the last 2 days such as the dodecahedron and parallelogram.
Monday, 15 October 2012
Movie Theater
Wow I was blown away by
the movie I had just seen at the movie theatre with my mum and dad. I saw
Madagascar three, it was so epic. There was an Italian lady that tried to kill Marty,
Melman, Gloria and Alex because they had just been caught in Monte Carlo on the
streets. Thank fully they find a travelling circus that is leaving to London
for their next show. There was a lion and a tiger that wouldn’t let them on the
train. Luckily Alex dconvince the lion and tiger that they are Americano circus
performers and thank fully they escaped from the evil Italian lady. Yeah! Now I
can tell my friends how good the movie is.
Hockey Prezi
Lately we have been working on a prezi about an Olympic sport. Mrs Larsen gave us bunch of different sports. I chose hockey. We had to find how technology has affected this sport since the sport started up in the Olympics.
The Chinese Students visit
A few weeks ago some Chinese students come to our class to learn about English, how we communicate and how we do things. This my video on what we did.
Thursday, 20 September 2012
Week 10 Reflection
What: On Monday the year 6's went to WIS to do robotics, science, hard materials, cooking and technology. On Tuesday I went to Aranui School for a 2 and a half kilometre run with about 10 other people from Carlton School. We competed against other kids from other schools from around Wanganui. The fastest people in their age group were chosen to go to Aranui. It was crowded there, their were about 500 kids racing at Aranui. I was in the 10 and eleven year olds race. In my race there was about 100 kids and I came 37th. Jake, Casey and Jayden were also in my race. Jake come 10th, Casey come 35th and Jayden come 75th. Our habit's of mind is to gather data through all senses, for that we have made a poem about the 5 senses and a backround with the color or season we chose to do. We also discovered a new website called Edmodo, now we do all our work on the internet and email it to Mrs Larsen It's pretty cool.
So What: I learn't how to make apple tarts at cooking class. I learnt how to make a spin top at hard materials. I kind of learnt how to use the new website that Mrs Larsen discovered.
Now What: I want to learn how to make more complicated stuff for cooking because I quite like cooking.
So What: I learn't how to make apple tarts at cooking class. I learnt how to make a spin top at hard materials. I kind of learnt how to use the new website that Mrs Larsen discovered.
Now What: I want to learn how to make more complicated stuff for cooking because I quite like cooking.
Monday, 17 September 2012
Carlton School Olympics closeing ceremony
Yesterday it was the Carlton School Olympics closing ceremony, that's when they hand out the medals to the people that got a gold, and for the people with second and thrird place you got a ribbon or a certificate. I got a gold in sprints because I am super fast and in vortex, I picked up a second place, it was just too hard to beat Cole because he has a strong arm. The gold medals were made out of wood and they were spray painted gold then they put a sticker saying Carlton School Olympics, you're a champion.
There was a special guest coming to hand out the gold medals, she was an Olympic athlete. Her name was Phillipa Baker Hogan. She placed fourth in the womans double skulls rowing final just one place away from a bronze. That was in 1992. She also went to the Olympics in 1996 and got 6th in the womans double sculls final.
Over all I think every body did their best and I felt proud because I got a gold and silver medal.
There was a special guest coming to hand out the gold medals, she was an Olympic athlete. Her name was Phillipa Baker Hogan. She placed fourth in the womans double skulls rowing final just one place away from a bronze. That was in 1992. She also went to the Olympics in 1996 and got 6th in the womans double sculls final.
Over all I think every body did their best and I felt proud because I got a gold and silver medal.
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
Differant use's for a pole vault
different uses for a pole vault
1: You could
use it for holding up a little shed.
2: You could
put three together and make a diving board.
3: Could use
the wood to make paper.
4: Cut it in
quarters and make four legs for a chair.
5: Use it as
a javelin.
6: Use to
make an artificial Christmas tree.
7: Use the
bendy wood off the pole to make a hammock.
8: Use it to
make a swing set.
9: Use it to
make the frame of a chair.
Sunday, 9 September 2012
Word of the Week
The Word of the week is false.
False is adjective.
false means wrong.
Synonyms for false are wrong, bogus and fake.
Antonyms for false are accurate, true and write.
My dad has a false NBA hat. My brother is faking that he is sick so he does't have to go to school.
False is adjective.
false means wrong.
Synonyms for false are wrong, bogus and fake.
Antonyms for false are accurate, true and write.
My dad has a false NBA hat. My brother is faking that he is sick so he does't have to go to school.
Thursday, 6 September 2012
Week 8 Reflection
What: On Monday Andrew Little a Labour MP come to our school to look at some of our classes. On Monday and Tuesday morning a nutritionist named Nova, come to our class to talk to us about healthy foods. Today we went to the supermarket to do label reading with the nutritionist that had been coming over to our class for the last few days. Yesterday Mrs O'Connor come to our class and we did an experiment with food coloring, milk and dishwashing liquid. First we put milk in next we put 1 food colouring in at a time. There was 4 different colours red, yellow, blue and green. Once we put our 3 colourings in, we put the dishwashing liquid in the bowl. Then it will make spirals and bubbles will come out of the bowl. Our habits of mind is gather data through all sense's. We typed up a poster of a feeling or a color with the five sense's in it.
So What: I learn't that you got to eat 5plus vegatables and 4plus fruit a day if you want keep healthy.
Now What: I want to keep heathly and become a Famous Black stick.
So What: I learn't that you got to eat 5plus vegatables and 4plus fruit a day if you want keep healthy.
Now What: I want to keep heathly and become a Famous Black stick.
Monday, 3 September 2012
Word of the week
The word of the week is addition
Addition is a noun.
Synonyms for addition is adding, addjoining and increasing.
Antonyms for addition is decreasing and loss.
My sentence's. I need to work on my addition. My heart rate is increasing.
Addition is a noun.
Synonyms for addition is adding, addjoining and increasing.
Antonyms for addition is decreasing and loss.
My sentence's. I need to work on my addition. My heart rate is increasing.
Spelling Rules
Beginning Blends
Add the blends to the endings to make words. Choose 3 words and put them into sentence's.
sn-out sp-eak sm-oke st-all Sc-ot sk-ill sw-am tw-it
sn-eak sp-it sm-all st-ew sc-ab sk-in sw-ay tw-in
sn-ap sp-oke sm-ack st-iff sc-out sk-ip sw-ing tw-eak
Snap! the crocodile bit my head of and my friend Scot stood there stiff.
I had a scab and I smacked it, it was very small.
Add the blends to the endings to make words. Choose 3 words and put them into sentence's.
sn-out sp-eak sm-oke st-all Sc-ot sk-ill sw-am tw-it
sn-eak sp-it sm-all st-ew sc-ab sk-in sw-ay tw-in
sn-ap sp-oke sm-ack st-iff sc-out sk-ip sw-ing tw-eak
Snap! the crocodile bit my head of and my friend Scot stood there stiff.
I had a scab and I smacked it, it was very small.
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Week 7 Reflection
What: On Monday Ms O'Connor come to talk to us about our hands on learning and what it meant. On Tuesday we went to the boys and girls gym club. I was't that excited because we had this lady that wouldn't let us go do free time, but there was a upside to the trip, when we were doing the rotations we got to jump over the foam pit, it was lots of fun. Our habits of mind is gather data through all sense's.
So What: I learnt tha the 6 hand's on our logo represent each year we spend at Carlton School.
Now What: My goal is to know my basic facts verbally and off by heart. I want to beat Tarron and Te Woaiki in bacic facts.
So What: I learnt tha the 6 hand's on our logo represent each year we spend at Carlton School.
Now What: My goal is to know my basic facts verbally and off by heart. I want to beat Tarron and Te Woaiki in bacic facts.
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
Writing Activity
I had bought a new dog the other day he was everything you would want in dog except, He smells like a revoulting rotten rag.But my mum goes crazy if there is a gross smell in the house she goes like a crazy cheeky chimpanze."I am going to call him fat fuzzy fred.That night he was sleeping on a rag that's proboly why he stinks like a revoulting rotten rag.Come on I said let's give you a bath. Problem solved I said. The End......
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
Word of the week
The Word of the week is alteration.
The definition for alteration is change.
The part of speech is a noun.
Synonyms for alteration are change, switch, correcting.
Antonyms for alteration are worsening.
My Sentences. I made a alteration to the room. I made a change to living room.
The definition for alteration is change.
The part of speech is a noun.
Synonyms for alteration are change, switch, correcting.
Antonyms for alteration are worsening.
My Sentences. I made a alteration to the room. I made a change to living room.
Thursday, 23 August 2012
Week 6 Reflection
What: On Wenseday chinese students had come to our class to learn about english and what we do as New Zealanders. We had a buddy each. My buddys name was Shine. He wasn't much of a talker or didn't play much sport. That was a shame because I was going to play a game of basketball with him. After lunch he showed me how to write my name in chinese and showed me numbers in chinese up to 16 and taught me how to say it. Today instead of going to the gym, me, Caleb and Te Paerangi went to Room 2 because we hadn't payed and plus I got hacked in the foot with a hockey stick at U11 reps for hockey. It really hurt. Yesterday we had buddy art. Our Habit of mind is gathering data through all senses. The five senses are smell, hear, look, taste and touch.
So What: I learnt how to count in chinese up to 16. I learnt how to control a 6 year old so they don't go crazy with the paint.
Now What: I want to learn how to count up to 30 in chinese numbers.
So What: I learnt how to count in chinese up to 16. I learnt how to control a 6 year old so they don't go crazy with the paint.
Now What: I want to learn how to count up to 30 in chinese numbers.
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
Reading Activity
Reading Activity
We have been learning to retall a story and this is my retall
The fisherman
There was hui down the road and the parents of two boys went down there early and the boys went fishing at Opui Wharf to try and get some snapper but they did’t have much luck.
1: The boy’s parents were going to a hui at Waitangai.
2: The two boys were not going to the hui, instead they were going to Opui Wharf to catch some snapper.
3: Mum and dad went to Waitangai early while the boys were getting there fishing gear.
4: The day go’s on and the boys still had’t caught there first fish.
5: The train arrives and people come off with nice tidy cloths.
6: people were chatting and a man come over and asked if we had caught any fish.
7: There was something about the man because he was wearing an overcoat and suit, his shoes were polished and shone in the sun.
8: A man took of his coat a different man took the coat and hung it up.
9: The men threw the lines out into the water, there was pull you could feel the weight and pull of the cord.
10:The train blew it’s whistle and the train started to bourd and the man with the shining shoes rounded up his fishing line and placed it in the box.
11: Mum and dad arrived at the wharf after Waitangai they were waving the pasengers, good by when they were leaving on the train.
12: His brother was pointing at the man with the sparkling shoes because he had caught most of the fish.
Monday, 20 August 2012
Beaver Cloze
Fill in the blanks with the words above the paragraph.
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A beaver is an animal that has large front teeth and a large tail on its back. Beavers live in ponds that they make by building a dam on a small river or stream.
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Beavers the Builders
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Beavers can cut down trees with their powerful teeth. They use the twigs and sticks from the trees to build their dams. They also use mud from the ground to hold everything together and fill in the holes.
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Beavers Lodges
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Beavers build their homes in the middle of their ponds. Their homes are called lodges. The entrance to the lodge is underwater. This helps protect the beavers from predators. When a beaver sees a dangerous predator like a wolf the beaver slaps its tail on the water and hides in the lodge.
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The Fur Trade
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In the past, people called trapppers hunted beavers for their valuable fur. Beaver fur is very warm so their fur was used to make hats.
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Sunday, 19 August 2012
Free Writing
W.A.L.T Write paragraphs correctly
My name is sally Mc ferguson I live in feguson road. I am a bit of a scank but no matter I have job that will blow you away...... I am a sientist.
Here I am walking down the street in 3.8 inche high heels and 20kg jacket with gold on it, when Boom!the time square when pack of wild cows devowed the time square. They were as furosurus as a wild handi cap hiina go to pounse on a antelope. There I was screaming my head of yelling for help but everybody was gone but nek minit.... ka pow! the cow knocked me out of my misery.
I had studyed for years about cows and what would they do to effect the future but I never throught it was real! cow rabies snot dribbling mind baking desese.
To Be Continued
My name is sally Mc ferguson I live in feguson road. I am a bit of a scank but no matter I have job that will blow you away...... I am a sientist.
Here I am walking down the street in 3.8 inche high heels and 20kg jacket with gold on it, when Boom!the time square when pack of wild cows devowed the time square. They were as furosurus as a wild handi cap hiina go to pounse on a antelope. There I was screaming my head of yelling for help but everybody was gone but nek minit.... ka pow! the cow knocked me out of my misery.
I had studyed for years about cows and what would they do to effect the future but I never throught it was real! cow rabies snot dribbling mind baking desese.
To Be Continued
Spelling Rules
Add the blends in the circles to the letters in the box to make words. The letters in the box and the blends will not always make rew words when they go together. Choose 3 words and put them into sentence's.
br-awl cr-awl cr-ush dr-ill gr-ave pr-am tr-im
br-ick cr-ock cr-ain dr-ain gr-ab pr-ick tr-ain
br-ow cr-ew cr-ip dr-ip gr-am pr-ow tr-ip
br-ook cr-ow dr-ed fr-ed gr-ill pr-ay
br-ave cr-ill dr-ew fr-ew gr-im tr-ew
br-ush cr-ook dr-op fr-ow gr-ip tr-ick
br-ain cr-ave dr-ow fr-ill pr-op tr-ay
The train was about to run the crab over the crab was in grave danger.
The grim on the crab's face was scary when he steped up to have a brawl with his arch enermies the crow crew.
Add the blends in the circles to the letters in the box to make words. The letters in the box and the blends will not always make rew words when they go together. Choose 3 words and put them into sentence's.
br-awl cr-awl cr-ush dr-ill gr-ave pr-am tr-im
br-ick cr-ock cr-ain dr-ain gr-ab pr-ick tr-ain
br-ow cr-ew cr-ip dr-ip gr-am pr-ow tr-ip
br-ook cr-ow dr-ed fr-ed gr-ill pr-ay
br-ave cr-ill dr-ew fr-ew gr-im tr-ew
br-ush cr-ook dr-op fr-ow gr-ip tr-ick
br-ain cr-ave dr-ow fr-ill pr-op tr-ay
The train was about to run the crab over the crab was in grave danger.
The grim on the crab's face was scary when he steped up to have a brawl with his arch enermies the crow crew.
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